Dip Devices - Lunar - Concentrate Vaporizer
Dip Devices - Lunar - Concentrate Vaporizer
The Lunar combines the patented air flow technology created by Dip Devices with the convenience of a pack-and-go concentrate vaporizer, Super-optimal air flow provides circulation for better flavor and more efficient use of your concentrate every time!
Reliable dab pen has a 650 mAh battery is always ready when you are and the device is really easy to clean! The Lunar offers excellent quality at very reasonable price point for a powerful, portable concentrate vape.
- 650 mAh battery
- Utilizes Dip Devices patented air flow tech
- Discreet, pack & go design
- Highly-efficient concentrate consumption
- 2 Power settings
- Easy-to-clean
- 1x - Lunar Vaporizer Battery
- 1x - USB charger